Friday, 9 March 2012

Here it is!

Your one-stop shop for your Close To My Heart fix. Follow this blog for updates on what's new and what you can do with Close To My Heart products.

What's new for March is this beautiful Stamp of the Month! Create elegant flourishes and crests to add a
touch of elegance or whimsy to your pages and cards. This stamp set comes with 2 phrases: Anything is possible; and We're in this together.  Available only until March 31st.

$5 is a great discount on this D-sized stamp set (regular price $17.95), but remember, you an earn FREE products and 50% discounts when you host your own Home Gathering.
Whether you choose an in person or online Home Gathering, or if you prefer to host a complete Workshop, you can earn FREE Hostess Rewards. Just book your party, invite friends and family and write up your wish list! Whether you're a busy scrapper, enjoy having people over for a fun evening or want to get your hands inky with the latest products, there's a Home Gathering option to suit you. Contact me today to book your Home Gathering!

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