Friday, 2 November 2012

Capture the Date! Capture the Savings!

This month Close To My Heart has a special promotion for all of us who love stamping. When you place your $50 qualifying order and purchase the versatile November Stamp of the Month, you get an additional 50% off another stamp set!

Have you had your eye on a special alphabet stamp set but have been putting off purchasing it because of the price? With this promotion, you can get a big alphabet stamp set (regular price $29.95) for only $14.78! That's an E-size stamp set for less than the price of a D-size set. And the 50% savings applies to all regular priced stamp sets in the Autumn/Winter 2012 Idea Book and the Spring/Summer 2012 Idea Book. That's hundreds of stamps to choose from.

And if you're starting to think about the holidays, this is a great way to get some fabulous Close To My Heart products for yourself and a 50% discount on a stamp set to give as a gift.

Want to check out the November Stamp of the Month for yourself? Come visit me at the Admiral's Walk Clubhouse on Sunday, November 4th, from noon to 4PM. I will be there with a great selection of Close To My Heart products and a few projects made with "Capture the Date".

Happy Scrapping!

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