Thursday, 20 June 2013

Out with the Old to make Room for the New!

Buzz & Bumble WOTG artwork.
I've been aware of the Spring 2013 Retiring List for a while. This is a list CTMH publishes to let Consultants know what products will no longer be available. But it wasn't until today that I examined it in detail.

Now, I know products are retired to make room for new and exciting things, and I really am looking forward to the unveiling of new products with the Fall/Winter 2013 Idea Book which comes out in August...BUT...I'm sad to see some of my favourite products go.

Claire WOTG artwork.
Of course, there are always paper packs that are not carried over to the next Idea Book. The papers not being carried over this time are Buzz and Bumble, Later Sk8r and Claire. Of course, the accessories that accompany them will not be carried over either.

Also, after July 31st, you will no longer be able to order Avonlea, Dakota, Clementine or Scholastic paper packs.

Later Sk8r WOTG artwork.
If you need brads, now is the time to stock up. It looks like CTMH won't be carrying them anymore--at least not the assortments they have now. The same goes for all the button assortments, Mini-Medley Accents and the Pewter and Wooden Badge Buttons.

If you enjoy making mini-albums and 3D items, you may want to stock up on  the My Creations Bookmark Album, Milk Carton, Canvas Journal and Paper Pouches.

Cardmakers will be saying goodbye to the 6" x 6" Kraft Die-Cut Cards and Envelopes and Kraft envelopes in all sizes.

Under tools and storage, the Accessories Organizer, Exclusive Inks Organizer Carrying Case, 2" scallop circle punch and corner rounder are also retiring.

By way of stamp sets, all E-size stamp sets (the big alphabets) and personalized stamps (single name stamps, address stamps and custom stamps) will no longer be available. There is also a long list of individual stamp sets that are retiring (such as School Rocks, Tea Time, Love Blooms, Christmas Love and many more). If you've had your eye on a stamp set, now may be the best time to get it. Remember, all stamp sets from the current Idea Book (with the exceptions noted above) will be available when the new Idea Book comes out. Also, any stamp sets that are marked as a Cricut Art Philosophy or Artiste set will continue to be available.

 So it's out with the old to make room for the new! There will be lots to look forward to with the next Idea Book and some exciting rumours are flying about what the new products are. Make sure to follow my blog so you don't miss the 10 day countdown to the new Idea Book in July. I'll be blogging about the new products at the top of my shopping list.

In the mean time, send me an email with your wish list items and I can let you know if they're being retired.

Remember, you can shop for all your favourite products on my website 24/7. You don't have to wait for a Gathering or invitation. Shop anytime!

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